
Tuesday 22 October 2013

My Weekend Recount

On the weekend I was at my dad's house. My cousin and I were playing cricket in the backyard. We used my dad's tennis rackets and his squash balls to play cricket. While we were playing my cousin went extremely overboard and hit the ball all the way onto the road.

When he did that we were lucky because there weren't any around, otherwise there might have been an accident. After he did that we both went inside the house and had a rest, we played on the X-box until my dad came back from work.

When my dad came back from work we went to the Red-rat at Hunters plaza to get me a pair of new converse. After we brought my shoes we went straight home, because my dad had to go to a funeral because his cousin's wife died.

It was a half happy and half sad weekend for us.


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